Andrew Kabuura and Flavia Tumusiime, prominent media personalities in Uganda, are rejoicing in the celebration of their...
Abdul Karim Muchwa, a distinguished producer known as Didi, is currently facing a difficult health situation and...
Recently, the Ugandan music industry has been thrown into confusion following the deletion of a video of...
Patrick Mulwana, popularly known as Alien Skin, has yet again grabbed the spotlight for all the wrong...
A local singer and presidential advisor, Catherine Kusasira, and her husband, Fred Sseruga, are facing a looming...
Singer Ronald Alimpa, popularly known by his hit song Sean Don, has been arrested over shows he...
One of the Triplets Ghetto Kids members, Patricia Sitya Loss, real name Patricia Nabakooza, is currently receiving...
Comedian Amooti Omubalanguzi, whose real name is Allan Mujuni, has found himself in hot water after allegedly...
The question of God’s existence has been a topic of debate for centuries. While many people believe...
Sam Bagenda, popularly known as Dr. Bbosa, is a veteran actor whose contributions to the film and...