Renowned singer Green Daddy, formerly known as Mosh Mavoko, recently made a public plea to fellow artist...
Events promoter and talents manager, Abbey Musinguzi, popularly known as Abitex Promoter, is currently at odds with...
On the 25th of March 2023, social media was set ablaze when Bruno K’s baby mama Vanessa...
Emerging artist Denish Duncan Matovu, popularly known as Kid Dee, has made a stunning revelation about the...
South African-based Ugandan socialite and businesswoman Zari Hassan has recently made headlines after revealing that her Nikah...
Singer Catherine Kusasira is overjoyed to be resuming her happy life, free from the burdens of debt....
Lydia Jazmine, the award-winning female singer, recently made headlines by announcing that she would no longer perform...
Ghetto Kids, the renowned Ugandan dance group, made a stunning debut on the prestigious ITV’s Britain’s Got...
Ugandan artist Spice Diana has taken to her social media handles to boast about her latest achievement...
On April 15th, 2023, the highly anticipated Britain’s Got Talent competition returned, and it was nothing short...