The proud mother, Teddy Naluswa, recently witnessed her daughter, Winnie Treasure Bugingo’s graduation from the United Kingdom as an Aerospace Engineer. This marks the latest milestone in the series of graduations for the Bugingo family, following their eldest daughter’s graduation from Makerere University with a Master of Science in Telecommunication Engineering.
Teddy Naluswa was present at the graduation ceremony, and was overjoyed to be part of this momentous occasion. She expressed her delight and gratitude in a recent post on social media, saying, “My heart is so full of joy. I thank God for this amazing achievement. Congratulations to my daughter Winnie.”
Winnie’s father, Lead Pastor of House of Prayer ministries international Pastor Bugingo, was unfortunately not able to attend his daughter’s graduation due to prior engagements. Despite his absence, Winnie’s family and friends congratulated and celebrated her success.
Winnie’s successful graduation from the UK as an Aerospace Engineer is an incredible achievement and speaks volumes of her hard work and dedication. Winnie is a great example for young people everywhere and a true testament to the power of education.
Winnie herself is extremely proud of her accomplishment and hopes that her success will inspire others to reach for their dreams. She said, “I am honored and deeply grateful for this amazing accomplishment. I hope that my story will inspire others to never give up on their dreams, no matter how difficult the journey may be.”
Congratulations to Winnie Treasure Bugingo on her successful graduation as an Aerospace Engineer! We wish her all the best in her future endeavors as she continues to reach for the stars.