Renowned singer Jera Kingdom, also known as Nasuuna Hajara, has spoken out against rumours that she is...
The ongoing feud between Bebe Cool and Bobi Wine has been well-documented, with both musicians taking shots...
The late Philly Bongole Lutaaya is a legendary Ugandan singer who contributed significantly to the music industry...
Dancehall sensation Cindy Sanyu, also known as Cinderella Sanyu Muyonjo, has made a delightful announcement regarding her...
Former Big Talent Entertainment vocalist Pia Pounds, whose real name is Tracy Kirabo, has disclosed how she...
Fresh Daddy, the Ugandan Jokster singer whose real name is Mutabazi Paul, has made headlines recently by...
Local socialite Shanitah Namuyimbwa, popularly known as Bad Black, has recently made headlines with her revelation about...
Prominent radio personality, content creator, and influencer Prim Asiimwe has decided to step down from her duties...
The entertainment industry is rife with critics and their opinions on what an artist should or should...
Mulwana Patrick, famously known as Alien Skin, is creating a buzz in the music industry as an...