In recent days, comedian Reign Omusoyisoyi, also known as Obedi Lubega from the comedy duo Maulana and...
Maulana and Reign comedy
Reign, one half of the comedic powerhouse Maulana and Reign, proudly donned his graduation cap today as...
Comedian Maulana Kasozi, one half of the renowned duo Maulana and Reign, faced a recent setback with...
Renowned comedian Maulana Kasozi, known for his comedic prowess in the duo Reign and Maulana, has been...
In a startling turn of events, Maulana Kasozi, one half of the beloved Maulana and Reign comedy...
Alien Skin, Lil Pazo, and Reign have teamed up for a new project titled ‘Gumizawo,’ a rare...
In an unexpected twist of events, singer and songwriter Jamie Culture has expressed his dissatisfaction with stand-up...
After disrupting fellow musician David Lutalo’s peace and making him wish to at least sample her beans,...
Father-in-law roasted Maulana Kasoozi of the Maulana and Reign for mistreating his daughter Nalujja Shibura. Maulana’s first...
During his bitter feud with his ex-girlfriend Sheilah Gashumba, Marcus Ali Lwanga alias God’s Plan, a UK-based...