Madrat and Chiko, a comedy duo, have risked the wrath of modern-day deejays and emcees after making...
Mbaziira Tonny, a CBS FM Emmaduso Township presenter, survived a fatal accident on Friday night that left...
Following their arrest on Friday, Lord Councillor 5 for Makindye East III, Ggaba and Kansanga, Mr. Mosh...
Mason Greenwood, a Manchester United striker, has been released on bail after being arrested on suspicion of...
Singer Eddy Kenzo enthralled his fans in early 2020 by making grand announcements about a mega festival...
It appears that NBS TV star Edwin Katamba alias MC Kats is not interested in a long-term...
Radio and Weasel released a new audio of their song with Nigerian singer KaySwitch titled “End Of...
Rickman Manrick, real name Derrick Ddungu is very grateful for his new song enjoyment with ‘el capitano’...
Nabawanuka Lydia, aka Lydia Jazmine, has humiliated NTV presenter Crysto Panda, real name Kityamuweesi Herbert, live on...
After dating and dumping several women from various countries, including Uganda’s Zari Hassan, and having children with...