You will meet difficult people everywhere
(1) In the neighbourhood
(2) At work.
(3) At school.
(4) In the family.
(5) In Political parties.
(6) In Church
It doesn’t matter the number of good things you do, you will still meet difficult people in life
(1) They will mock you.
(2) They will criticize you.
(3) They will discourage you.
(4) They will fight you.
(5) They will speak negative things about you.
(6) They will tell lies about you
(7) They will steal from you.
(8) They will threaten you.
All great men in The Bible came across difficult people in their journey.
1) Joseph
2) David
3) Jesus Christ
4) Paul
Characteristics of Difficult People
1) Some are agents of the devil sent to stop you.
2) Some are immature people who need your help.
3) Some are wounded people seeking for revenge.
4) Some are jealous people seeking for relevance.
5) Some are proud people who never want to see anyone above them.
6) Some are failures in life looking for people to perish with.
What Does the Presence of Difficult People Mean?
1) It means there is a great destiny upon your life
2) It means there are leadership qualities in you
3) It means you are a threat to their camp
4) It means you have great potential
5) It means you are an overcomer
6) It means you are in the right track
Way forward
- Learn to recognise them, their intent and don’t react in same manner;
- Learn never to give up on your dream;
- Pursue your dream and reach your destiny.
- Learn to forgive and forget your haters. Just move on!
- Learn to yield yourself only to the Holy Spirit for guidance.
Continue praying, fasting, and forgiving those who hurt you.
Don’t forget to pray for your enemies ( Matthew 5)
Life is a battle ground, fight to win! Be blessed friends in Christ.