Mzee Godfrey Jemba Matte, a popular funeral announcer, is living his dream. Despite having spent the majority...
Ernest Nsimbi, better known by his stage name GNL Zamba, has shown off his brand new Muyenga...
Cindy Sanyu and her husband Prynce Atiku Joel Okuyo are overjoyed after welcoming a healthy baby girl...
Last year, there was an online debate between chubby guys and weightlifters about how much time the...
Sama Sojah, who is now managed by Jeff Kiwa, is looking forward to letting his hard work...
Rahmah Pinky, real name Nanyanzi Rahmah, 17, signed with Team No Sleep (TNS) just days after Sheebah...
Kenyans are mourning the death of renowned DJ Lithium, born Alex Nderi, who committed suicide at the...
Days after being proposed to by a Kadama (Housemaid in Saudi Arabia) named Mbabazi Enid, singer Bruno...
Bushingtone, real name George Kagoda, a veteran talent and events manager, producer, and music director, believes music...
Bad Black, real name Shanitah Namuyimbwa, claims she has had enough of suffering and wishes to be...