Following the leaked audio of Frank Gashumba whereby he compared Rickman to Joseph Kony, this has given Rickman Manrick the opportunity to release a whole EP record titled Unconditional love. Oh, and don’t misunderstand; it’s not a response aimed at Frank. Before the whole controversy, Rickman seems to have already been working on his record.
Since Rickman said that it is particularly for the month of love, which is February, it may be released in that month. Only one of the album’s six tracks is a single; the other five are collaborations. Lala Love, the album’s first track, features the very skilled Joshua Baraka, one of his fiancée Sheilah Gashumba‘s top musicians.
Other artists he works with include R&B singer Anknown Prosper, Likkle Bangi, Kim C, and TPaul from western Uganda. Kyatule is the title of the album’s lone single (Say it).
“unconditional love. EP will be released shortly
1. Lala Love with Joshua Baraka
2.Sekkle Down ft. Likkle Bangi
3. Bako kyokola ft. Kim C
4.Kyatule (say it) 5.Rukundo ft. T Paul
6. Cinderella featuring Anknwon Prosper
the valentine’s day month.”
Hopefully, this record will help him establish his career and position as one of the most serious artists. And this could make Frank Gashumba more receptive to embracing him as his son-in-law in the future. Gashumba pledged never to tolerate a dreadlocked person who resembled Kony and had nose and ear pins.
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