In a shocking turn of events, renowned Kadongo Kamu artist Gerald Kiweewa finds himself grappling with severe...
Ugandan Music
In a groundbreaking fusion of comedy and music, Uganda’s legendary reggae artist Maddox Sematimba, the sensational Winnie...
In the heart of Fangone Forest, music sensation Patrick Mulwana, better known as Alien Skin, has etched...
November is here, and as we inch closer to the end of 2023, the Ugandan music scene...
Singer Maurice Kirya recently dropped a bombshell, proudly proclaiming himself as the ultimate maestro in Ugandan music...
Reports from our news desk have brought to light a rather heated incident that unfolded during a...
About a week ago, a significant event took place within the Ugandan music industry. Artists from across...
South Africa’s Wouter Kellerman, Zakes Bantwini, and Nomcebo Zikode have made history by winning the Best Global...