Control Movie 2023: Stella Simmons (Lauren Metcalfe) is a high-ranking government official who is having an affair...
Entertainment industry news
Adventures of the Naked Umbrella is a 2023 American comedy-drama film written and directed by Jerry Brunskill....
Socialite Charles Olim, popularly known as Sipapa, finds himself back in Luzira Prison, despite high hopes of...
In an exclusive interview with Spark TV, Sasha Brighton shared her terrifying ordeal when her phone was...
In a shocking turn of events, Patrick Mulwana, famously known as Alien Skin, narrowly escaped a potentially...
Former Team No Sleep sensation, Rahmah Pinky, has come forward to dispel the persistent rumors surrounding...
DJ Roja, whose real name is Rogers Kitaka Nsubuga, has unequivocally refuted recent allegations of resigning from...
In a recent interview with renowned media personality Ruth Kalibala, the popular comedian Patrick Salvado shared an...
In her latest track, dubbed “Tondwisa,” Spice Diana passionately and earnestly pleads for fellow singer Chris Evans’...
In a recent turn of events, Alien Skin music camp has vehemently denied the allegations that fans...