In a heartwarming gesture of support, Source Management singer Spice Diana has once again demonstrated her philanthropic...
Entertainment industry news
In a shocking turn of events, renowned Ugandan female comedian Akite Agnes became the victim of a...
In the glitzy world of entertainment, conflicts are not uncommon, and the latest showdown involves actress Shamim...
Swangz Avenue, renowned for crafting extraordinary events, is gearing up to launch the December festivities with the...
In a captivating revelation at East Africa’s grandest festival, Nyege Nyege, Alexander Bagonza, famed as A Pass,...
Gossip is ablaze with whispers of a rift between once inseparable companions, Carol Nantongo and Lydia Jazmine....
In anticipation of her much-awaited Chekecha Concert on November 17, 2023, dancehall sensation Karole Kasita embarked on...
Socialite and businesswoman Sheila Gashumba, popularly known as ‘Lil Stunner,’ is making headlines, but not for the...
During his recent appearance on the NBS After5 show, Ragga Dee shared his remarkable journey as a...
In a resounding victory for media personality Fifi Da Queen, whose real name is Phionah Nabitengero, the...