Singer Ykee Benda, also known as Wycliff Tugume, has delightfully unveiled his girlfriend Emily, captivating his dedicated...
Renowned political analyst and author Tamale Mirundi maintains that Alien Skin, despite being today’s trending artist, cannot...
Alien Skin’s recent denial of plans to meet President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni must be noted. The past...
Renowned DJ and media personality, Mbaziira Tonny, along with singer Aidah Mugo, were involved in a deadly...
Rapper Gravity Omutujju, also known as Gereson Wabuyi of Tabu Entertainment, has added a sparkling jewel to...
Sulubada High School’s principal, Mikie Wine, remains unfazed by public criticism and has reiterated his devotion to...
In a significant move that highlights the commitment to maintaining the integrity of the game, the local...
Dancehall sensation Cindy Sanyu Okuyo graced the spotlight today as the brand ambassador for Gabriel BA Collection,...
In a surprising turn of events, King Michael has decided to heed his mother’s counsel and reschedule...
Veteran drama actor, Sam Bagenda, known as Dr. Bbosa, has shared his perspective on the recent online...