In the realm of Ugandan music, Spice Diana has been a force to be reckoned with, capping...
In her latest musical creation, the sensational Carol Nantongo, accompanied by the rhythmic prowess of Nessim and...
Azawi, born Priscilla Zawedde, has capped off an extraordinary year with the dazzling release of the visuals...
A few weeks back, the dynamic duo of Crysto Panda and Swangz Avenue’s Winnie Nwagi crafted musical...
In her latest track, dubbed “Tondwisa,” Spice Diana passionately and earnestly pleads for fellow singer Chris Evans’...
November is here, and as we inch closer to the end of 2023, the Ugandan music scene...
In the realm of Ugandan music, Bebe Cool’s name consistently rises to the top, and this has...
Over a decade after the original release of Betty Mpologoma’s classic track “Teri Police,” the talented singers...
In their latest musical endeavor, the captivating anthem titled “Believe,” Dax Vibez and the talented Swangz Avenue...
In the ever-evolving world of music, emerging artist Jlak, whose real name is Joshua Mukisa, continues to...