Despite his financial difficulties, faded singer Red Banton is not ready to leave Kampala, as he sang...
Douglas Mayanja, also known as Weasel, is presently experiencing stress as a result of his wife Sandra...
Winnie Nwagi of Swangz Avenue has spoken out about what happened at the Ministry of Internal Affairs...
Only singer Jackie Chandiru has yet to have children, while both Cindy Sanyu and Lilian Mbabazi have...
Cinderella Sanyu alias Cindy Sanyu has been appointed president of the Uganda Musicians Association (UMA) following the...
King Saha, real name Mansur Ssemanda, reveals that his “Zakayo” concert will take place early next year....
Diamond Platnumz and ex-fiance Zari Hassan celebrated the 7th birthday of their daughter Princess Tiffah over the...
Nabawanuka Lydia, also known as Lydia Jazmine, has left Ugandans speechless after attending a party without briefs....
Karole Kasita says she is thinking about the international market as she prepares to release her new...
Kizz Daniel, a Nigerian singer, was detained along with members of his team in Dar es Salaam,...