In a heartfelt gesture of respect for her dear friend Evelyn Lagu Nakabira, renowned artist Rema Namakula...
Ykee Benda, also known as Wycliff Tugume, finds himself entangled in a bitter child custody dispute with...
In a somber turn of events, our hearts are heavy with the unfortunate news that singer and...
This Friday, 15th September 2023, music enthusiasts are in for a treat as Sheebah Karungi and Cindy...
Jose Chameleone is beaming with joy today as his son, Abba Marcus Mayanja, marks his eighteenth birthday....
Trouble Tabu Entertainment rapper Gravity Omutujju recently surprised everyone with a gesture that defied his notorious reputation....
Trending singer Patrick Mulwana, aka Alien Skin, recently revealed an intriguing episode involving MC Kats and the...
Events MC and Galaxy FM presenter, Mr. Henrie, whose real name is Henry Arinitwe, has finally opened...
If you thought the feud between Champion Ogudo’s father Godfrey Kibuuka and Alien Skin had ended, think...
In a recent revelation by radio journalist and singer Jenkins Mukasa, it has come to light that...