In recent days, comedian Reign Omusoyisoyi, also known as Obedi Lubega from the comedy duo Maulana and...
King Zale, a member of Fik Gaza’s team, recently explained his involvement in an incident with singer...
Rapper Victor Kamenyo, known as Derrick Katongole, and his partner Ruth Akoragye Angora are gearing up to...
Ugandan socialite and entrepreneur Zari Hassan offers valuable guidance to local musicians aspiring for international acclaim. Zari...
In a sudden turn of events, Sheilah Gashumba and Rickman Manrick have called it quits, marking the...
Renowned crooner Ronald Alimpa recently made headlines as he bid adieu to his former girlfriend and introduced...
Bad Character Records mogul Sadat Mukiibi, famously known as Kalifah AgaNaga, urges artists benefiting from Mowzey Radio’s...
Renowned rap icon Babaluku, born Silas Ssajabbi Kintu Mukasa, recently addressed allegations branding him a witch doctor....
Ykee Benda, the owner of Mpaka Records, recently opened up about his feelings following the abrupt departure...
Renowned dancer and content creator Patricia Sitya Loss Nabakooza has responded to the widespread circulation of trending...