Pastor Andrew Jengo, heir to the late Pastor Yiga Austine, faces severe allegations of disregarding his father’s will by selling off crucial assets, including the sacred church land in Kawala. The daughter, speaking out against Andrew’s actions, emphasizes the explicit instructions laid out in her father’s will.
These instructions unequivocally stated the preservation of the church land and the iconic “Abizaayo” car, symbolic of Yiga’s legacy. Despite the clear directives from Pastor Yiga, Pastor Jengo Andrew proceeded with the sale of various properties, causing distress among family members.
Portions of the church land, generators, and cameras were among the assets allegedly sold off, with the whereabouts of the revered “Abizaayo” car remaining a mystery. The aggrieved daughter reveals a troubling aftermath following her father’s demise, alleging her forced removal from her rightful position within the family’s affairs.
Expressing a deep-seated desire for her father’s properties to be managed in accordance with his wishes, she calls for transparency in handling assets not explicitly mentioned in the will. Furthermore, she advocates for fair consideration to be extended to all of Yiga’s children, irrespective of their involvement in the will.
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Appealing to the administrator general for intervention, the daughter underscores the family’s collective struggle in find resolution amidst the turmoil. The allegations against Andrew Jengo paint a distressing picture of familial discord and disregard for the wishes of the deceased patriarch.
As the controversy unfolds, the call for justice and adherence to Pastor Yiga’s will grows louder, echoing the sentiments of those aggrieved by the apparent betrayal of trust and legacy.