Rickman Manrick, also known as Derrick Ddungu, has announced his plans to delve into film acting in...
ugandan celebrity news 2024
In the midst of swirling rumors and speculations surrounding his personal life, Grenade Official has taken a...
In a recent revelation, renowned singer and politician, Bobi Wine, shared that he has been leading an...
Singer Maro, born Ronald Magada, recently vented his frustration and anger at a Rwandan dance group that...
Last year, singer Hellen Lukoma found herself embroiled in a heated verbal exchange of words with the...
Excitement is building among fans as Singer Mayanja Ibrahim, popularly known as Big Eye Starboss, has officially...
In a surprising move, the Ugandan government has earmarked a substantial Shs 13 billion for the musicians’...
In an unexpected turn of events, Da Mighty Family comedian Sammy, known by his real name, Sammy...
The 2023 primary seven candidate PLE exam results were recently released by UNEB, stirring up anticipation among...
In a recent press interview, Big Talent sensation Eddy Kenzo provided clarity on his association with Bobi...