In a shocking turn of events, renowned Ugandan singer Cindy Sanyu has found herself in the midst...
Latest Ugandan celebrity news
In a recent turn of events, the music industry witnessed a heated exchange between rising artist Fixon...
In the enchanting realm of Fangone Forest, Alien Skin, the mesmerizing singer, recently graced the Nkwacho festival...
In the dynamic world of Ugandan music, controversies are not uncommon. The recent release of Bebe Cool’s...
In a surprising twist, Fangone Forest singer Alien Skin, known off-stage as Patrick Mulwana, has declared that...
In a surprising twist, Ugandan music sensation Ykee Benda has added another feather to his cap by...
In the heart of Uganda, a culinary maestro, Mama D, also known as Basheba Dorcus Kirabo, is...
Renowned media personality Annatalia Oze has officially embarked on a new chapter in her life as Mrs....
In an unexpected turn of events, Ugandan singer Jovan Luzinda and his entourage found themselves in the...
In a surprising turn of events, Alien Skin, the renowned singer from Fangone Forest, and Norbert Twizire,...