King Saha, the renowned Kings Love Entertainment singer, finds himself bedridden once more. Over the weekend, the...
King Saha news today
King Saha, the renowned singer from Kings Love Entertainment, has made a bold move. Ssemanda Manisul, known...
Singer King Saha recently made headlines with a powerful prayer, aimed directly at his long-standing rival, Bebe...
In a shocking turn of events, Koko J, a long-time member of King Saha’s inner circle, has...
Shakira Shakiraa is kicking off 2024 with a bang, introducing her latest track, ‘Kokonyo,’ a collaborative masterpiece...
In a candid revelation after his Ebiseera Ebyo concert at Hotel Africana, the renowned singer King Saha...
In a resounding display of solidarity, Ugandan musicians recently came together at the Ebiseera concert to rally...
Uganda National Musicians Federation (UNMF) president Eddy Kenzo recently addressed the buzz surrounding a potential music battle...
In the vast realm of social media, a rather unsettling situation has begun to unfold on TikTok....
King Saha, the renowned voice of Kings Love Entertainment, is preparing to dazzle fans with his upcoming...