In a groundbreaking fusion of comedy and music, Uganda’s legendary reggae artist Maddox Sematimba, the sensational Winnie...
Entertainment industry news
In a recent revelation, singer Naira Ali shared her awe at the sight of her first paycheck...
In a landmark meeting held earlier today, Eddy Kenzo, the President of the Uganda National Musicians Federation...
Karole Kasita inaugurated her concert at the UMA showground in Kampala, which was nothing short of spectacular,...
In the heart of Fangone Forest, music sensation Patrick Mulwana, better known as Alien Skin, has etched...
Singer Bruno K, known by his real name Bruno Kiggundu, is currently facing intense scrutiny over his...
In a heartwarming turn of events today, Chris Evans Kaweesi surprised the talented Spice Diana with a...
In the realm of media personalities, Zahara Totto and Tashi Hubby are currently stealing the spotlight for...
A few weeks back, the dynamic duo of Crysto Panda and Swangz Avenue’s Winnie Nwagi crafted musical...
Renowned traditional herbalist Maama Fiina, born Sylvia Namutebi, has recently announced a surprising decision to step back...