In a surprising twist, Ugandan music sensation Ykee Benda has added another feather to his cap by...
Entertainment industry news
In the heart of Uganda, a culinary maestro, Mama D, also known as Basheba Dorcus Kirabo, is...
Renowned media personality Annatalia Oze has officially embarked on a new chapter in her life as Mrs....
In an unexpected turn of events, Ugandan singer Jovan Luzinda and his entourage found themselves in the...
In a surprising turn of events, Alien Skin, the renowned singer from Fangone Forest, and Norbert Twizire,...
Sasha Brighton, the radiant songstress, is finally singing a joyful tune after accepting a surprise proposal from...
Ugandan fans rejoice! A Pass, the electrifying singer-songwriter, has sent shockwaves of excitement through his kingdom with...
In the pulsating world of Ugandan music, Pius Mayanja, popularly known as Pallaso, is basking in the...
In the realm of Ugandan music, Spice Diana has been a force to be reckoned with, capping...
The festive season usually sparkles with extravagance in Uganda, as diaspora Ugandans, affectionately known as “basummers,” return...