In the realm of Fangone Forest Entertainment, Alien Skin, the esteemed star, finds himself in the recording...
Alien Skin songs download
Fangone Forest Entertainment’s head honcho, Patrick Mulwana, popularly known as Alien Skin, has recently dropped a...
Former NBS television presenter Kawalya Isaac, popularly known as Kaiyz, recently shared some valuable advice for the...
In his latest music video, titled ‘Sorry’, Fangone Forest CEO Alien Skin takes his fans on a...
Fangone Forest Entertainment’s renowned singer, Patrick Mulwana, widely known as Alien Skin, has stepped forward to support...
Fangone Forest Entertainment singer, Alien Skin, finds himself in hot soup after neglecting an event in Kasambya,...
On the evening of Friday, July 7th, 2023, the much-anticipated fourth edition of Nseko Buseko, organized by...
Fangone Forest Entertainment sensation, Alien Skin, has entered the recording booth to collaborate with songbird Diana Nalubega,...
Renowned singer Alien Skin recently shocked the media industry by announcing his intention to sell his London...
Fongone Forest Entertainment singer, Patrick Mulwana, also known as Alien Skin, was given a hero’s welcome today...