Nina Roz, the renowned “Billboard” singer, has raised some provoking questions about the Uganda National Musicians Federation. When asked about the federation’s existence and her departure, Nina revealed her struggles with balancing education, politics, and music. “I’ve been so busy with music, personal life, and school that I’ve not been so up-to-date with the federation’s errands,” she explained.
Nina highlighted a significant issue, saying, “The federation focuses on ‘talking the talk and not walking the walk.'” She referred to artists seeking more than just lip service. Nina Roz hinted that more artists might leave if the Uganda National Musicians Federation (UNMF) doesn’t start providing visible actions and services.
“I wonder if it still exists,” she mused. “Artists will continue leaving as long as they keep questioning the real core values of the federation. The leaders need to begin providing solutions and acting on them, not lip service all the time,” Nina concluded.
Nina’s remarks resonate with many artists who demand substantial changes within the federation. Her statements reflect a broader concern about the lack of tangible support and action from the federation’s leaders.
In summary, Nina Roz has not only questioned the federation’s existence but also challenged its core values and actions. Her insights provide a glimpse into the frustrations many artists feel. The Uganda National Musicians Federation must heed these concerns to retain its members and maintain its credibility.