On a bustling Friday night in Arua, as Sheebah Karungi graced the Arua City Carnival stage with...
On the evening of Friday, September 8th, 2023, the digital realm was set abuzz as events MC...
On Friday, September 8, 2023, Maurice Kirya once again demonstrated his musical prowess to an ecstatic crowd...
The entourage of Alien Skin removed celebrated events host and TV personality Edwin Katamba, famously known as...
About a month ago, music critics Jenkins Mukasa and Bukedde FM’s Simo Omunene raised eyebrows with their...
In a stunning turn of events, singer Jamal Wasswa and his vigilant management team apprehended the manager...
The recent exchange of words between singer Catherine Kusasira and FDC’s Hon. Ssemujju Ibrahim Nganda has taken...
In a recent press conference brimming with tension, Cindy Sanyu responded to her rival, Sheebah Karungi, regarding...
In a momentous occasion at Busoga Headquarters in Begembe, Jinja City, the Katukiiro of Busoga, Dr. Joseph...
Jose Chameleone, the head honcho of the Leone Island Music Empire, has officially disclosed the dates and...