The Kill Room is a 2023 American psychological thriller film directed by Nicol Paone, in her feature...
In the realm of music and charity, Spice Diana stands out as a beacon of benevolence. Her...
Singer Bruno K took a stand, demanding an apology on behalf of the Uganda National Musicians Federation...
Earlier this year, the dynamic singing duo, Kataleya and Kandle, graced music enthusiasts with their EP titled...
12 Strong (2023) is a highly anticipated film that tells the story of a daring and dangerous...
The Continental: From the World of John Wick is an American crime-action drama television miniseries developed by...
As the year draws to a close, artists are making their year-end plans and dropping new projects...
Renowned TV host, actress, model, and public speaker, Robinah Nambooze, known as Robin Kisti, is making a...
97 Minutes is a 2023 action thriller film directed by Timo Vuorensola and starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers,...
In 2019, the singer Fille Mutoni and Edwin Katamba, also known as MC Kats, decided to part...