“The Instigators,” a thriller directed by Doug Liman, plunges us into a fast-paced narrative that explores the...
Reports have confirmed the passing of Joseph Tamale Mirundi, a prominent Ugandan journalist, author, and political analyst....
Renowned political analyst Joseph Tamale Mirundi Senior passed away yesterday, August 13, 2024, at the age of...
Rahmah Pinky has finally spoken out about the rumors surrounding her music career. She has faced various...
Grenade Official recently shared the inspiration behind his controversial song ‘Mbwa Mwe.’ He revealed that the song,...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) continues to expand with the highly anticipated film, “Marvel Avengers Campus: Vibranium...
Shakib Cham, born Shakib Lutaaya and husband of socialite Zari Hassan, recently shared insights into their relationship....
Shakib Cham has openly criticized his wife, Zari Hassan, for not shielding him from public embarrassment. He...
The Alien franchise has been a cornerstone of sci-fi horror for decades, and its latest installment, Alien:...
Dancehall sensation Ssenabulya Yusuf, popularly known as Roden Y Kabako, is gearing up for a massive celebration,...