In the midst of swirling rumors and speculative whispers about a budding romance, Carol Nantongo has taken...
In a spectacular two-day extravaganza, MC Kats, the charismatic emcee, drew the curtain on his illustrious career...
In the tumultuous realm of celebrity feuds, Meddie Ssentongo has decided to break his silence and confront...
On this special day, the laughter echoes louder for Patrick Salvado, the celebrated comedian, and his wife,...
In a shocking revelation, Demasi, a key figure in the meteoric rise of B2C Entertainment, exposes a...
On Saturday, December 2, 2023, the sands of Busabala, Uganda, will come alive with the inaugural edition...
In an exclusive interview with Annatalia Oze on Sanyuka TV this morning, media personality Doreen Nasaasira candidly...
In a shocking turn of events, renowned Kadongo Kamu artist Gerald Kiweewa finds himself grappling with severe...
In leaked audio circulating on social media, actress and former Miss Tanzania Beauty Pageant contestant, Irene Uwoya,...
In a recent twist of events, rumors surrounding the alleged infidelity of Fiona Kyomugisha, the soon-to-be wife...