In a recent exclusive interview with Sanyuka TV, the renowned local traditional healer, Mama Fiina, whose real...
In a shocking turn of events, the Ugandan music scene mourns the loss of one of its...
In the whirlwind of life’s trials, Christine Nampeera, sister to the renowned TV presenter Dj Roja, has...
In an unexpected turn of events, the father of the late Mowzey Radio has declared his reluctance...
In a shocking revelation on Snapchat, Tusiime Jalia Cremy, the ex-baby mama of socialite Zari Hassan’s husband,...
Rickman Manrick, also known as Derrick Ddungu, has announced his plans to delve into film acting in...
In the midst of swirling rumors and speculations surrounding his personal life, Grenade Official has taken a...
In a recent revelation, renowned singer and politician, Bobi Wine, shared that he has been leading an...
Singer Maro, born Ronald Magada, recently vented his frustration and anger at a Rwandan dance group that...
In a recent move that has ignited a heated debate, the government allocated Shs 13 billion to...