Social media sensation Pretty Nicole, also known as Emmanuella Musimenta, recently acknowledged her mistakes and sought forgiveness...
Kazibwe Kapo, the celebrated Kadongo Kamu singer, expressed his admiration for Ssalongo Siraje. “I truly admire Siraje’s...
sThe Entebbe Municipal Council will shut down all weekly open-air markets, commonly known as “kabubbu,” effective July...
Mathias Walukagga has downplayed claims suggesting he resorted to selling cars. For a while now, his personal...
Roast and Rhyme will take place from July 5th to 7th in Jinja, along the scenic Nile...
Swangz Avenue singer Azawi, born Priscilla Zawedde, recently shared her dream of buying a yacht and living...
Nina Roz, born Nina Kankunda, has announced her debut Extended Play (EP) release. The popular Ugandan singer...
Chief Justice Martha K. Koome announced on X, formerly Twitter, that Makadara Principal Magistrate Monica Kivuti had...
The Golden Band maestro, Mesach Semakula, is concerned about the increasing use of profanities in the music...
Ugandan singer A Pass Bagonza has sparked a debate on the quality of music in Uganda. Taking...