Lil Pazo, the renowned “Genda Ogule Emotoka” singer, recently shared heartfelt gratitude on social media and informed...
Fik Gaza feels this year is the right time to hold his first concert. Having been on...
Lt. Gen. Proscovia Nalweyiso has warned artists like Alien Skin to stop wearing military uniforms. The Uganda...
Uganda Police have confirmed Denis Nsubuga was arrested for distributing pornographic videos falsely attributed to TikToker Milk...
Comedian Obed Lubega, known as Reign, has announced his candidacy for the Rubaga South MP seat in...
Nina Roz, the renowned “Billboard” singer, has raised some provoking questions about the Uganda National Musicians Federation....
During a recent TikTok livestream, socialite Judith Heard shared why she abandoned her luxurious past. She spoke...
Dancehall sensation Karole Kasita made a bold statement during a YouTube interview. Karole Kasita declared she would...
Mukono Member of Parliament Betty Nambooze has urged the public to ditch musicians with explicit lyrics. While...
Curvaceous singer Shakira Kamulegeya Kyebalaba, widely known as Shakiraa Shakira, has rubbished rumors that she had fallen...