Former Obsessions member Sharon O, born Sharon River Nalukenge, has sparked controversial reactions after her new proposal...
In May, Isaac Katende, also known as Kasuku, sparked rumors about Sheebah Karungi. He claimed Sheebah Karungi...
Vinka, also known as Nakiyingi Veronica Lugya, praised Jackie Chandiru for her pivotal role in kickstarting her...
Feffe Bussi and Payo Dat have teamed up to release the sensational new track “Kyoyooyo.” This song...
Socialite Shakib Cham and Zari Hassan recently opened up about their marriage on YouTube. Shakib revealed an...
Zari Hassan, the renowned socialite and businesswoman, recently had a candid conversation with her husband, Shakib Cham....
Kapa Cat has highlighted a critical issue in the music industry. “Every artist has a target market,”...
UNMF president and singer Eddy Kenzo, known as Edirisa Musuuza, has criticized Lil Pazo’s trending song “Enkudi”...
Rumors have been swirling about the alleged death of Ivash RS, the manager of singer Liam Voice....
Phiona Nyamutoro, the Minister of State for Minerals, narrowly escaped an assassination attempt. This incident occurred during...