Sad news has reached our desk, reporting a distressing incident involving singer Chris Evans Kaweesi and his entourage. Chris Evans Kaweesi fell victim to a robbery by armed assailants while en route to Luwero for a scheduled performance and was robbed. According to initial reports, as they traveled towards Ngoma-Luwero, Chris Evans and his companions encountered what seemed to be a military checkpoint.
However, it turned out to be a trap set by individuals masquerading as army personnel. Forced to disembark from their vehicle, they were subjected to a harrowing ordeal as the perpetrators plundered their belongings. Among the items seized were a substantial sum of Ugandan shillings amounting to 7 million, along with electronic gadgets and other valuable possessions.
Despite the traumatic experience after being robbed, Chris Evans Kaweesi displayed resilience by utilizing an undetected spare phone to seek assistance from his contacts and inform his loved ones about the incident.
This incident is alarming, especially given the escalating incidents of theft perpetrated by impostors posing as military personnel across the country. Details regarding Chris Evans and his team’s current situation remain scarce at this point. However, we are committed to keeping our readers informed as additional information becomes available.
In conclusion, this unfortunate incident serves as a stark reminder of the prevalence of crime and the need for heightened vigilance, particularly when traveling. Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.