Renowned DJ and media personality, Mbaziira Tonny, along with singer Aidah Mugo, were involved in a deadly...
Last week, the late Shiekh Nuhu Muzaata Batte’s widow, Dr. Hajjat Kulthum, shared on her Facebook about...
In the bustling city of Masaka, a heartwarming tale unfolds as local businessman Emmanuel Lwasa Kaweesi reunites...
Hajjat Kulthum Nabunya has taken Pretty Nicole, whose real name is Emmanuella Musimenta, to a back-to-school program...
In a tragic incident, Justus Ouma a boda boda man, a resident of Buwaya village, Bumunyi Parish...
After spending several months in prison, Queen Kaftah, an 18-year-old Trinity College Nabweru student, has finally been...
Approximately 150 students from Nakanyonyi Senior Secondary School in Nagalama, Mukono District, are currently undergoing medical attention...
Kawempe North’s representative, Hon. Muhammad Ssegirinya, is reportedly facing health challenges after being hospitalized. According to his...
Kira Municipality MP, Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda, recently issued a stern warning, revealing a hidden power struggle within...
A devastating accident unfolded on Sunday in Nyanseke village, Muhorro town, Kagadi District. Reports indicate that at...