In the wake of Busoga Kingdom’s proclamation of Jovia Mutesi as Her Royal Highness Inhebantu, the self-proclaimed...
The recent exchange of words between singer Catherine Kusasira and FDC’s Hon. Ssemujju Ibrahim Nganda has taken...
In a momentous occasion at Busoga Headquarters in Begembe, Jinja City, the Katukiiro of Busoga, Dr. Joseph...
Zari Hassan’s revelation about her mastery of the dating game has left many intrigued. At the age...
The latest information we have is that Zari Hassan is gearing up for a grand wedding with...
In a shocking incident on Robert Mugabe Road, a speeding Range Rover careened into a Raum carrying...
This past week, all the buzz in town revolved around Twitter Influencer Christine Nampeera, who happens to...
In a recent controversy that has taken the internet by storm, a video surfaced showing what appears...
In recent times, the unsettling trend of unsuspecting couples being recorded during their intimate moments inside the...
Ugandans on Twitter had a lively Monday as a video featuring Christine Nampeera engaging in intimate activities...