Law Abiding Citizen is a 2009 American vigilante action thriller film directed by F. Gary Gray, written...
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Silent Night (2023) is a stylish and brutal revenge thriller from legendary director John Woo. The film...
Due Justice (2023) is an upcoming American action thriller film written and directed by Javier Reyna. The...
Set in post-World War II Japan, Godzilla Minus One tells the story of a country still reeling...
Set 64 years before the events of the original Hunger Games trilogy, The Hunger Games: The Ballad...
The killer movie of 2023 is Everything Everywhere All at Once, directed by Daniel Kwan and Daniel...
Samurai Avenger: The Blind Wolf is a 2009 action Western film directed by Kurando Mitsutake. It was...
The Lion Girl (2024): In the year 20XX, a tsunami of meteors bombarded the entire planet, wiping...
Rumble Through the Dark: In the dark landscape of the Mississippi Delta, Jackson Miller (Aaron Eckhart) is...
Rise of the Footsoldier: Vengeance is a 2023 British crime thriller film directed by Nick Nevern and...