Renowned singer Eddy Kenzo and his lover, Hon. Phiona Nyamutoro, celebrated a beautiful introduction ceremony on June...
Grenade Official recently made a bold announcement on Sanyuka TV’s Tunyuke show, revealing that he is single...
Merry Hearts comedy outfit has poured cold water on allegations that suggest there is a high practice...
Singer Alexander Bagonza, known as A Pass, revealed plans to hold a concert early next year. He...
The highly anticipated #RoastAndRhyme #NyamOnTheNile returns next week, promising an exciting weekend of music, food, and adventure...
Cindy Sanyu plans to pay back the celebrated TV personality and emcee MC Kats for the kindness...
Former Obsessions member Sharon O, born Sharon River Nalukenge, has sparked controversial reactions after her new proposal...
In May, Isaac Katende, also known as Kasuku, sparked rumors about Sheebah Karungi. He claimed Sheebah Karungi...
Vinka, also known as Nakiyingi Veronica Lugya, praised Jackie Chandiru for her pivotal role in kickstarting her...
Feffe Bussi and Payo Dat have teamed up to release the sensational new track “Kyoyooyo.” This song...