In a surprising turn of events, King Michael has decided to heed his mother’s counsel and reschedule...
Veteran drama actor, Sam Bagenda, known as Dr. Bbosa, has shared his perspective on the recent online...
Dancehall singer Zex Bilangilangi, known by his real name Tadius Mayega Zziwa, is eagerly anticipating the upcoming...
In a surprising turn of events, the renowned events promoter Nobert Events, known by his birth name...
Singer Joseph Mayanja, renowned as Jose Chameleone, accomplished a significant feat on August 10, 2023, as he...
Reports filtering in suggest that Bobi Wine’s One Love Beach in Busabala has declined to host singer...
Ugandan music sensation Bruno K, born Bruno Kiggundu, is contemplating legal action against YouTube, citing a perceived...
Singer Alien Skin has announced a surprising twist for the upcoming “Nkwacho” festival. The event, initially under...
Singer Chozen Blood, whose real name is Patrick Musasizi, has taken a step forward, sharing with the...
Chozen Blood, the renowned musician born as Patrick Musasizi, has taken a significant step by publicly expressing...