In a recent interview with NTV Mwasuze Mutya, Prynce Joel Okuyo Atiku, the husband of renowned dancehall...
Celebrated events MC and TV personality, Edwin Katamba, famously known as Mc Kats, has strongly criticized singer...
In a remarkable turn of events this past Tuesday, veteran Kadongo Kamu singers, Fred Sebatta and Harriet...
On September 2nd, two formidable Ugandan artists, Gravity Omutujju and Daniel ‘Navio’ Kigozi, will be gracing the...
Fangone Forest Entertainment artist, Patrick Mulwana, known as Alien Skin, dropped a bombshell recently. Alien Skin spilled...
In recent times, singer Fille Mutoni has been vocal about the urgent need for the Ugandan government...
In a recent twist of events, Alien Skin, the enigmatic singer from Fangone Forest Entertainment, has finally...
The dynamic duo’s introduction occurred through a mutual friend. Mudra Di Viral composed songs that thrust Karole...
Rumors have swirled for a while now, suggesting that the renowned singer David Lutalo was eyeing a...
In a surprising turn of events earlier yesterday, a gentleman by the name of Tebandeke David found...