As Cindy Sanyu graced the stage over the weekend, her performance ignited a wave of speculation among...
Gravity Omutujju, the Trouble Tabu Entertainment sensation, whose real name is Gereson Wabuyi, recently shared an intimate...
Champion Ogudo’s father, Mr. Kibuuka Godfrey, has embarked on a surprising musical journey to reinforce his demand...
Rapper Navio, whose real name is Daniel Lubwama Kigozi, recently celebrated an impressive milestone in his musical...
Singer Hassan Kigozi, famously known as Geosteady, recently dropped a bombshell during his interview on the Deep...
Gagamel International singer Bebe Cool, whose real name is Moses Ssali, recently made a heartwarming gesture towards...
Fangone Forest Entertainment’s very own singer, Patrick Mulwana, famously known as Alien Skin, has set his sights...
Renowned socialite Martha Kay, known by her real name Martha Kemigisha Kagimba, has recently achieved a significant...
In the hot seat today is Alien Skin, the renowned singer from Fangone Forest Entertainment. He’s found...
In a recent interview with NTV Mwasuze Mutya, Prynce Joel Okuyo Atiku, the husband of renowned dancehall...