In a somber turn of events, media personality MC Casmir Kimenyi Mukisa took to his social media...
In the midst of an ongoing social media storm surrounding a photo of Bebe Cool allegedly eating...
A few weeks ago, tensions flared between Swangz Avenue singer Azawi and Ray G in Mbarara. The...
In a bold response to the recent allegations of Bebe Cool questioning his financial capacity, Abitex Promotions,...
In the enchanting realm of Fangone Forest, Alien Skin, the mesmerizing singer, recently graced the Nkwacho festival...
Get ready for an electrifying TV experience as Pearl Magic Prime unveils its latest reality show, ‘Kampala...
In the wake of recent events in Mbarara and Kampala that unveiled unsettling tribalism sentiments within the...
In the dynamic world of Ugandan music, controversies are not uncommon. The recent release of Bebe Cool’s...
In a surprising twist, Fangone Forest singer Alien Skin, known off-stage as Patrick Mulwana, has declared that...
In the vibrant world of Ugandan music, the arrival of Bebe Cool’s annual list is a moment...