In a surprising twist within the entertainment and fashion industries, singer Grace Khan finds herself at the...
In a recent fiery exchange, Jenkins Mukasa vehemently responded to Spice Diana’s plea for peace, igniting further...
Yesterday, Spice Diana unleashed a storm against journalist Mukasa Jenkins, accusing him of slander. According to Diana,...
Naira Ali, the celebrated singer of Purple Chord, has made an exciting announcement that’s set to thrill...
Lilian Mbabazi finds herself in legal turmoil as she faces court action over overdue rent exceeding Ugx...
Former booking manager Jose Famous has made startling accusations against singer Geosteady, alleging confiscation of his passport...
Last year, the Ugandan music scene was ablaze with the fierce music battle between two iconic female...
Renowned singer Ray G, hailing from Western Uganda, has thrilled fans with the announcement of his upcoming...
Singer Opa Fambo made headlines last December after being caught in a scandalous affair at a married...
Renowned American gospel sensation Travis Greene has touched down in Uganda, gearing up for his highly anticipated...