Ava Peace, along with her team, “six killaz,” made an appearance on Galaxy TV to discuss their...
In the latest buzz, Hon. Phiona Nyamutoro, the newly appointed State Minister of Energy and Mineral Development,...
Ugandan sensation Shafik Dangote, famously known as Fik Gaza, excitedly reveals an upcoming collaboration with Nigerian music...
A viral sensation erupted online as a snapshot of a rental room where Spice Diana’s father live...
Reports have reached our news desk indicating that Emmanuel Lwasa, a controversial businessman from Masaka, has had...
Former Team No Sleep sensation Sheebah Karungi recently hinted at a potential exit from the music realm....
Fik Fameica’s Twitter account recently stirred controversy when it shared a statement addressing allegations of his alignment...
Socialite Bad Black has publicly criticized Cindy Sanyu for her incessant chatter about fellow singer Sheebah Karungi....
Bisambi Bitereka, a renowned drama actress and traditional herbalist, has boldly expressed her interest in events promoter...
The anticipated Blu3 reunion concert, initially set for March 8th, faced a rescheduling due to unavoidable circumstances....