Kapa Cat has highlighted a critical issue in the music industry. “Every artist has a target market,” she says. “Everyone should consume only what works for them.” This statement underscores the delicate balance artists face. How do they deliver their message while considering their audience?
Recently, discussions have heated up around this topic. Are artists becoming too lazy to produce meaningful music? Or are they simply following trends, even if that means sounding abusive or obscene? Music critics, media personalities, and artists themselves have been vocal about this.
Kapa Cat is confident in her approach. “I know how to work my work,” she brags. She ensures her music resonates without being vulgar. This skill sets her apart in an industry where some artists don’t consider this balance. She urges fellow musicians to cover up when producing their music. “It’s possible to be trendy without being offensive,” she insists.
The debate also extends to the quality of songwriters. Since Radio’s passing, Ugaboys have criticized the decline in songwriting standards. This critique points to a broader issue in the music industry. The quality of the content is as crucial as the artist’s delivery.
Kapa Cat also addresses a vital aspect of modern music consumption. She advises parents to control the content their children consume. “Parents should be vigilant,” she says. The music industry today is vast and varied, making parental guidance essential.